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全部 更多 97% 98% 99% 95% ≥95% 96% 90% ≥90% ≥98% ≥98.0% ≥99% ≥95.0% ≥97.0% ≥99.0% >99% (tlc) ≥98% (hplc) ≥95% (hplc) ≥97% ≥98% (tlc) ≥85% ≥98.0% (hplc) 85% ≥97% (hplc) ≥97.0% (hplc) 80% 94% ≥80% ≥95% (lc/ms-uv) ≥96.0% (hplc) ≥98.0% (tlc) ≥99.0% (at) >98% (tlc) ≥90% (hplc) ≥98.0% (t) ≥99.5% >90% 92% 93% 97% (hplc) ~95% ≥85% (lc/ms-uv) ≥90% (lc/ms-uv) ≥96.0% ≥97% (tlc) ≥97.0% (at) ≥99.0% (rt) ≥99.0% (t) ≥99.0% (tlc) 95% (hplc) 98% (hplc) 99.7% trace metals basis ≥92.5% ≥95.0% (t) ≥96% ≥97.0% (chn) ≥97.0% (t) ≥98.5% ≥99% trace metals basis >10.0% mg basis (edta titration) >95% >95.0% (fitc:glucose = 1:250) 0.95-1.10 m (edta titration) 15.2-16.8% bf3 basis 33-37% (by potassium permanganate, titration) 4.00-4.99% chlorine basis (by na2s2o3, titration) 40% 60% pd basis 60.0-85.0% 64.5-70.0% (acs specification) 70% 75% 79.5-81.0% 85.0-90.0% 9.0-11.0% cu basis (edta titration) 94.5-105.5% (edta titration) 95% (nmr) 95% anhydrous basis 97% (h-nmr) 97% (mixture of cis and trans) 97% (predominantly trans) 97% anhydrous basis 97.0-103.0% (t) 98% (cp) 98.0-100.5% (calc. for dried substance) 98.5-101.5% dry basis 99-102% 99.0% 99.5% trace metals basis 99.8% trace metals basis 99.8-100.5% 99.9% trace rare earth metals basis 99.998% 99.999% trace metals basis ~75% ~80% (t) ~85% (hplc) ~85% (sum of isomers, gc) ~85% ~90% (t) ~90% ~90.0% ~98% (tlc) ~99% ≥25% (alpha tocopherol) ≥44% ≥50.0% pt basis ≥60% ≥65% chlorine basis (by na2s2o3, titration) ≥75% (titration) ≥80% (nmr) ≥80.0% ≥85% (hplc) ≥85% (titration) ≥89% ≥90% (enzymatic) ≥90% (nmr) ≥90.0% (hplc) ≥90.0% (t) ≥94% ≥95% (sum of diastereomers) ≥95% (tlc) ≥95.0% (hplc) ≥95.0% (s) ≥95.0% (sum of isomers, gc) ≥95.0% (uv) ≥96.0% (t) ≥97.0% (sum of enantiomers, hplc) ≥97.0% (tlc) ≥98.0% (10 mg phospholipid per ml chcl3, tlc) ≥98.0% (calc. based on dry substance, t) ≥98.0% (chn) ≥98.0% (nt) ≥98.0% (sum of enantiomers, hplc) ≥98.0% (w/w) ≥98.0% dry basis ≥99% (calc. to h2o free subst.) ≥99% (capillary gc) ≥99% (hplc) ≥99% (titration) ≥99% (tlc) ≥99.0% (kt) ≥99.0% (nt) ≥99.0% (sum of enantiomers, gc) ≥99.0% (sum of enantiomers, tlc) ≥99.5% (rt) ≥99.8% ≥99.9% ≥99.90% ≥99.99% trace metals basis
全部 更多 1ea 1g 100mg 10mg 2ea 1ml 5g 50mg 250mg 25mg 10ea 50ea 20ea 100ea 100ml 500mg 200mg 1pkg 25g 5ea 1kit 500ml 20mg 1mg 10g 100g 5mg 3ea 5ml 15mg 1unit 1l 500g 2ml 50g 250ml 30mg 1000ea 25ml 10ml 3x1.2ml 1kg 25ea 1disk 60ml 20ml 12ea 25units 250g 6ea 1000mg 5x10ml 2.5l 50ml 1set 300mg 150g 1amp 125mg 2g 30g 30ea 150mg 0.5ml 40mg 2.5mg 1.2ml 3units 4ea 200ea 75cc 400mg 50units 54ea 1case 200tests 5x1.2ml 5x1ml 60g 0.1ml 350mg 4x2ml 600ml 30x30ml 1.5ml 100tests 10units 1block 250ea 3x80ml 40g 100units 10x1.2ml 2mg 5x0.5ml 15g 200μ 300tests 48ea 5000mg 1.5g 1pk 30ml 4l 1.75mg 108ea 144ea 3amp 400tests 50tests 75g 75mg 100μg 150ml 1vial 3ml 3x1.5ml 3x100mg 4ml 500ea 12units 2l 1rod 20units 35g 4x4l 5x30mg 5x5ml 5x8ml 70g 2.5kg 120mg 150tests 1gal 20μg 200g 20g 36ea 3g 3x0.5ml 4x5g 500μg 5kg 5x100ml 80g 90g unit 0.25g 24ea 250μ 25kg 2pack 35mg 3x50g 3x50mg 45g 4x1g 4x1ml 6x120ml 6x1ml 750mg 100tablets 10x8ml 120tests 125tests 5x1vial 2.5g 25l 225g 250μg 3x10g 3x10ml 3x1ml 3x25ml 4x25ml 500tests 5l 20l 5x50mg 600tests 6pk 72ea 8filters 96tips 0.1mg 0.2ml 1.2g 10kg 10vials 10x0.5g 10x10mg 10x1ml 125ea 125g 15ea 15units 16ea 6x1kg 200l 288ea 2x1g 3x0.2ml 3x1g 454g 4x1gal 4x50mg 5amp 5units 5x2ml 6x1amp 0.9g 1000ml 6x100ml 10l 10x0.1g 10x2.5g 24units 190l 1bottle 10x1g 2kg 1roll 2.5ml 2000ea 2000tests 200ml 50l 20x15ml 12x100ml 2x0.5ml 2x10ml 2x12mg 2x150mg 2x1ml 2x25g 2x25ml 2x50mg 2x75mg 3.2ml 300ea 300g 30units 3platelets 3x100ml 3x125g 3x1ea 3x2ml 3x500mg 4g 4oz 4vials 4wafers 4x2.5kg 6x500ml 55g 5rods 5x100mg 5x10g 6units 6x10ml 6x1l 6x2.5kg 7.5g 7g 800ml 96ea 7ml 0.22kg 0.25mg 0.25ml 0.27ml 0.3g 0.3mg 0.5g 0.5mg 0.5mmol 0.25mmol 0.6mg 0.6ml 0.7mg 0.8mg 1.5kg 10μg 100μ 1000tablets 500tabs 1000tests 6x100g 18kg 3kg 12kg 5x100g 100l 15ml 4x100ml 10x0.1ml 5x10amp 10amp 10x10amp 25tests 100x1.2ml 100x15ml 10cm 50kg 10nmol 10reactions 10rolls 10tablets 10uses 10x0.05g 10x0.25g 10x0.5ml 10x100mg 10x30ml 5x30ml 3x30ml 10x4ml 10x5g 10x5ml 1130g 11kg 120g 120ml 625g 12g 12x600mg 12vials 12x15ml 144x190mg 144x290mg 14g 14x500ml 150ea 15kg 15vials 16kg 170tests 180l 185tests 18l 3l 18x500ml 190tests 195l 19l 1card 1cube 1cylinder 1film 5gal 1ft3 10x50ml 4x2.5l 4x1l 45kg 4x2l 160kg 24x500ml 1meter 1wafer 2.2kg 2.2ml 6x500g 185l 2000mg 850l 400l 200strips 200units 208l 20kg 8l 20x1.2ml 22.5units 230kg 24g 24x60ml 25000000units 5000000units 1000000units 25000units 1000g 6x250g 250kg 40kg 250x4ml 240kg 17l 5x1g 25plates 25tablets 272ea 28g 2blocks 10x2ml 2sets 2x20mg 2x25μg 2x350mg 2x500mg 2x500ml 2x5ml 3.1g 3.2mg 3.5g 3.75l 3.8l 300ml 30kg 30l 35kg 3pk 3unit 3x1.1ml 3x1.5mg 3x10ea 3x150mg 3x150ml 3x170g 3x1kg 3x200mg 3x2ampoules 3x30mg 3x60ml 400g 40ea 40l 40x3ml 42g 45.4kg 11.3kg 450ml 475cc 475ml 48x15ml 4kg 150l 4x0.25ml 4x0.5g 4x0.5ml 4x100g 4x150ml 8x1ml 16l 4x30mg 4x500mg 4x500ml 4x85g 50000000units 10000000units 500000units 5000ea 500cc 6kg 500units 500x2ml 500x4ml 50cc 50reactions 50tablets 5ampules 1ampule 500μ 5oz 5vials 5x0.1ml 5x0.2ml 5x0.75ml 5x1.1ml 5x1.3ml 5x1.5ml 5x10.7ml 5x150mg 5x1mg 5x3g 5x4.5g 5x4.5ml 5x4g 5x5g 5x8g 5x91g 6.6g 600mg 60ea 650mg 65g 65tests 6g 6mg 6vials 6x0.6ml 6x1.2ml 6x1ea 6x30mg 70tests 750g 75ml 75tests 7x100mg 8.4mg 80units 87g 8ea 8floz 8g 8kg 8oz 8pk 8sheets 8x500ml 9.2g 9.5l 900mg 90tests 948cc 9g 9kg
产品编号 产品图片 产品名称 品牌 规格/包装 货期 市场价 会员价 数量 购物车
737240 (1-溴-2,2,2-三氟乙基)苯 sigmaaldrich 500MG
333557 (1-溴乙烯基)三甲基硅烷 sigmaaldrich 5G
333557 (1-溴乙烯基)三甲基硅烷 sigmaaldrich 1G
SMB00244 (10E,15Z)-9,12,13-trihydroxyoctadeca-10,15-dienoic acid sigmaaldrich ≥90%1MG
SIK7716-10 (12-Dodecylphosphonic acid)N,N-Dimethyl-N-octadecyl ammonium bromide sigmaaldrich 1G
SIK7716-10 (12-Dodecylphosphonic acid)N,N-Dimethyl-N-octadecyl ammonium bromide sigmaaldrich 250MG
SIK7717-10 (12-Dodecylphosphonic acid)N,N-Dimethyl-N-octadecyl ammonium chloride sigmaaldrich 1G
SIK7717-10 (12-Dodecylphosphonic acid)N,N-Dimethyl-N-octadecyl ammonium chloride sigmaaldrich 250MG
SIK7712-10 (12-Dodecylphosphonic acid)pyridinium bromide sigmaaldrich 1G
SIK7712-10 (12-Dodecylphosphonic acid)pyridinium bromide sigmaaldrich 250MG
SIK7709-10 (12-Dodecylphosphonic acid)triethylammonium bromide sigmaaldrich 250MG
SIK7709-10 (12-Dodecylphosphonic acid)triethylammonium bromide sigmaaldrich 1G
SIK7718-10 (12-Dodecylphosphonic acid)triethylammonium chloride sigmaaldrich 250MG
SIK7718-10 (12-Dodecylphosphonic acid)triethylammonium chloride sigmaaldrich 1G
SMB00129 (15:3)-Anacardic acid sigmaaldrich 1MG
CBR00689 (1H-Imidazol-2-ylmethyl)methylamine dihydrochloride sigmaaldrich 1G
8.18632 (1R)-(+)-α-Pinene sigmaaldrich 100ML
CRM40374 (1R)-(+)-樟脑溶液 sigmaaldrich 1ML
45985 (1R)-(-)-乙酸薄荷酯 sigmaaldrich 1ML
45985 (1R)-(-)-乙酸薄荷酯 sigmaaldrich 5ML
CDS015862 (1R)-1-(3-ethoxyphenyl)ethylamine sigmaaldrich 100MG
CDS006764 (1R*,2R*)-1-(2′-hydroxy-2′-phenylethyl)-6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-isoquinoline sigmaaldrich 25MG
A70704 (1R,2R)-(-)-2-氨基-1-(4-硝基苯基)-1,3-丙二醇 sigmaaldrich 25G
A70704 (1R,2R)-(-)-2-氨基-1-(4-硝基苯基)-1,3-丙二醇 sigmaaldrich 10G
DPM00001 (1R,2R)-1,2-Bis(4-nitrophenyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride sigmaaldrich 100MG
00846 (1R,2R)-反式-2-乙酰氧基-1-环戊醇 sigmaaldrich 1ML
06756 (1R,2S)-顺式-2-氨基环戊醇 盐酸盐 sigmaaldrich ≥98.0% (TLC)1G
06756 (1R,2S)-顺式-2-氨基环戊醇 盐酸盐 sigmaaldrich ≥98.0% (TLC)5G
C409 (1R,3S)-(+)-樟脑酸 sigmaaldrich 5G
C409 (1R,3S)-(+)-樟脑酸 sigmaaldrich 100G